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My Practice

Homeopathy can be amazingly simple and also very challenging. Finding the exact remedy needed in each case requires a very keen interest in the human condition and the challenges we all face. It also requires a detailed knowledge of homeopathic medicines and their application. It is a life time study. I have often said that to be a homeopath, you need a unique combination of skills – part physician, part artist, part detective, part psychologist, part lawyer. I am actually none of these but I hope I bring some of the qualities of each that makes a good practitioner. Understanding the unique qualities of each individual person is an important part of the “individualization” process that is the homeopathic interview. As homeopathy treats the individual, not just the disease label, it requires more time and consideration than people are often given when seeing a conventional doctor. The initial consultation is often 1 ½ hours, and can even be 2 hours. During that time, a comprehensive analysis of a person’s whole health and life history is taken and with this information, a study of the matching homeopathic remedy can ideally be found. In more acute and immediate situations, one does not need to go into such detail and the salient information can often be achieved in 15-20 minutes. This is more often the situation when treating more immediate conditions. My aim is to ensure that I have enough information to make an accurate determination of which remedy(s) may be needed in each situation. Some people only require one remedy to establish a cure, while other people may need 2 or more remedies given separately over time. My goal is to be able to evaluate the needs of each person and to be able to make as accurate a prognosis for each person. It is important to be able to offer this information, so the possible benefits and also limits of homeopathy can be recognized.

Many of my interviews now are done virtually, given the current times and also my rather nomadic life. However, technology now offers us ample opportunities to communicate and as homeopathy relies mostly on information given verbally, a remedy can be found in most cases. Obviously, seeing a person “live” is the best way to get a true feeling and understanding but now we are used to communicating in this way via technology, it serves the purpose.

If you are interested in making an appointment with me, please email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A time can be made for the appointment then. You can also download the intake form that I use to get some basic information before the interview. If you have any questions, please ask them in the email and if need be, a brief appointment can be made to clarify any points before the longer interview is done.

Practical Details

Fees: I base my fee on an hourly basis of $125. The maximum time it will take for the initial interview will be two to three hours which includes any time needed for case study. The minimum time in a chronic case taking will be one hour.

Follow up fees are based on the same rate. They will last between 30-60 minutes and are normally scheduled on a monthly basis but may be more frequently if needed. Brief phone check-ins under 10 minutes are not charged.

Remedies will be ordered by the patient/client. In the UK, I recommend If elsewhere then I can make suggestions where remedies can be ordered.

Download The New Patient Questionnaire